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How do you feel about the "natural hair" movement?

Dominus Vir uplifts the woman who decides she is beautifully made from a story that lies deep within her roots

        On my 7th year of being natural i've toiled with the idea of expressing myself in this process. On one hand I'd get a great deal of compliments on my hair, but on the other I don't feel those compliments justify what I am doing finally for myself, as every direct or progeny oppressed woman should. Right? Well,  ....seeking realizations of myself, i've realized that most of society is "brainwash" from European captivity. I uplift the woman who decides she is beautifully made from a story that lies deep within her roots; Furthermore, I profess the upmost empathy for any woman who is unaware or ignorant of her true identity or just simply the health hazards of chemically straightening her hair. Deja L. Jones put my thoughts into words very eloquently; Respectfully, I'd like to share words from her "A (Self) Love Story About Embracing My Natural Hair"


"In reflecting on my own hair journey, I realized I had never seen my natural hair until I was 23 or at least I couldn’t remember its coarseness. I didn’t even know I had a curl pattern. Perms and relaxers had become the simple solution to “managing” my nappy hair. It was a “rite of passage” to get your first perm when you came of age — which was usually seven or eight in my family. It was a problem solved to those greasy forehead burns hiding underneath a stiff bang that never moved even if it was windy. Learning to love myself and take care of my hair created a ripple effect in my whole lifestyle. Before I knew it, I was eating better, being more conscious of the products I used. I was learning how to style my hair differently and as my hair grew, so did my self-esteem.  The tale of my mane is a love story. It is a radical and political declaration of the love I have for myself. It’s a sisterhood within me. My hair has history. It’s been ‘buked and it’s been scorned, burnt, damaged, altered and it has survived. It’s been a long journey of hair days, wash and go’s, twisting and strong hands and arms. I wouldn’t trade it for the creamy crack."

Post Excerpt by: Deja L Jones 

Check out the full article via: The Huffington Post