And What Does He See
"It was comfortable.
Like a blanket: soft, bright, warm, white;
nearly imperceptible threads...piling up on me like snow. " Master Mind Collective presents Iris Aurora Garner
Canto X
This sea-grey-blue strip is broad, ripples glued in place framing a creamy hardcover with black italian script, and, 'CANTO X', heading all in capital letters.
Dominus Vir Master Mind COllective presents poet Iris Aurora Garner, enjoy and your soul is welcome to experience new poetry in "old ways".
The Best Drink
Lee Upton (born June 2, 1953 St. Johns, Michigan) is an American poet, fiction writer, literary critic, and a graduate of the MFA Program for Poets & Writers at the University of Massachusetts. She is the author of, most recently, “The Tao of Humiliation: Stories.” A collection of her poems, “Bottle the Bottles the Bottles the Bottles,”
Living My Wildest Dreams
"And it’s me, just me and the vast white carpet welcoming me." A perspective poem by collective Mastermind, Patricia Ralph
Mystic Flower
An excerpt from an original piece by The Master Mind Collectives own Patricia Ralph. We welcome her art and are excited about working with this poet in the future.
Gwendolyn Brooks Part II
In 1945 her first book of poetry “A street in Bronzeville” was published by (Harper and Row), which was an instant success. In 1950 Gwendolyn became the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize. Dominus Vir takes a second look in the spirit of women history and "National Poetry day"
Black Girl Magic / A Poetic Vision
Black Girls Magic, symbolic to our influence by magnificent black creators and artist, we explore through "the Godmothers perspective a Poem; Black Girl Magic
Ayesha Jaco & The Cool
Ayesha Jaco is a poet and community leader from the city of Chicago. Her poems are featured in Four of Lupe Fiasco's Studio album and her words create the powerful setting in which to view our current generations climate. In recognition with Women's day, for Dominus VIr Womens Month, showcase one of her awesome poetic work with more to come. Ayesha represents a true Master Mind and teacher of arts.
Chasing the Cool. First Black Pulitzer Prize Winner
Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks was an American poet and teacher. She was the first black person to win a Pulitzer prize when she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1950 for her second collection, Annie Allen. I look into her Poem We Real Cool